Tag Archives: Coupons

Getting back into the swing of things

27 May


*photo from discountcoupons-blog.com*

Hi Everyone!! It’s been far to long since I’ve updated my blog! Life has been hectic, but I’m slowly getting back into things. I have lots of recipes bookmarked that I need to bake, cook, test, and blog about; I’m just trying to determine the best way to sift through all this data. Hopefully I can come up with a good plan of action going into next week. Stay tuned for lots of yummy items, including great desserts as always!

I wanted to take some time to share with you something I’ve been getting more into as of lately; Couponing! I’ve always collected coupons from the store flyers and weekend papers, but you can say I’ve moved it up a notch! Yes, this is partly due to the new show “Extreme Couponing”; yes I love it! But who doesn’t want to save that much money.

I do find some fault with the way they portray the show because most of these people seem to buy foods full of preservatives and sugar filled drinks. Yes they do stock up on paper towel, toilet paper, laundry detergent, and many other great things. But I rarely see them buying fresh fruit and vegetables; and even for a family of 2 I easily spend at least $20.00 on fresh fruits and vegetables, probably more towards $25.00+ on the weeks were we are making things with lots of vegetables. I hardly see any coupons for produce though. However, with all the other great coupons out, there is money to be saved on everything else!

I don’t have the time to devout hours upon hours every week looking for coupons and printing them all out, but even just spending a little time each week can save some money. Remember that most coupons in the local paper on Sunday do correlate to the sales for that week. What I have found is that by stocking up on things when they’re on sale even if I don’t need them right away, will save a large amount of money in the long run rather than buying them when you need it with no sale or coupon.

Here are some coupon sites I have found helpful:

Allyou.com (linked to coupons.com)
Red Plum
Smart Source
A full cup
Facebook- if you like a product, often times you get a coupon for a free product. Just do some research on products you like or buy often
Also, check out manufacture’s websites for coupons.

What sources do you use for coupons?

Hope you find this helpful!!